
Gather Wreath

I love wreaths, but holy cow they are expensive. This is an easy DIY wreath that cost me nothing to make (because I hoard craft materials,) but you could buy all the materials for less than $10. Scraps, scraps, scraps. I have a huge drawer full of scraps and leftover craft materials that I dig into constantly, and that's what I used to make my Gather Wreath. Lefterover sweater scraps from pillows I made, and a cheap chalkboard sign. Time: 1 hour for wreath            30 minutes for me to write the word gather on the chalkboard 😝 Materials: Twig Wreath Leftover sweater scraps twine chalkboard sign & chalk plaid fabric scraps Tools: scissors hot glue Plain twig branch Write Gather (or whatever you want) on your chalkboard.  (This took several tries and tweaks until I liked how it looked.)  I always look through fonts on for inspiration because my handwriting is terrible. They have ...

refashioned turtleneck

After I 💗 gray sweatshirts, but this one did not look flattering on me. Refashion time!! A friend of mine cleaned out her closets and gifted me a ton of clothes to use for crafts and refashions. My goal was to make the giant turtleneck smaller and sportier. I love how it turned out, and it was fairly easy to alter. Refashion time: 60 min Tools: Brother Sewing Machine buttonhole foot Serger a shoelace fusible interfacing thread seam ripper scissors before After! Layout shirt Remove turtleneck with a seam ripper (this takes forever.) Move on to scissors. Mark where you want to cut or eyeball it. 😳 Cut about 4-5 inches off the width at the back seam, and cut  2ish inches off the bottom following the original shape. Open up new turtleneck. Mark where buttonholes will be on the wrong side of fabric. On the wrong side of fabric, iron interfacing just where buttonholes will be. Mark buttonhole size, again. Doh....

Sweet Blackberry Tea

Iced or hot this tea is yummy and oh so easy and cheap! Who needs a fancy Starbucks drink?! (Not me cause the closest Starbucks is at least 20 min away)  I  boiled a mug of water and 5 or 6 frozen blackberries in the microwave for 2 minutes. (I used blackberries because that's what I had in the freezer) Be careful it's hot straight out of the microwave.  Add a heaping teaspoon of sugar or to taste if you like it more or less sweet. You could also substitute a sugar free sweetener or honey. Then I crushed the berries with a spoon to let out all their juice.  Pop in your tea bag and steep for a few minutes.  Lastly, I strained the blackberry seeds through a small mesh strainer. That's it! Easy peasy. Enjoy hot or poured over ice.   I didn't actually calculate the cost, but I'm guessing it's less than a quarter for 16 oz. Yummy and cheap my favs! 

The Granny Table

I'm really excited to share this project! I actually planned and executed this one! AND took pictures!!! Yay! Before... I inherited this old dining room table from my Granny about a year ago, and I have just now taken the time to spruce it up. I really disliked the "golden oak" stain. I'm not sure if that is actually the color, but it's my guess. The four chairs that I received to accompany it are in the background of my garage. Simple dark cherry wood chairs. That is more my style. My friend Mary and partner in  crime  CRAFT came over to help me knock this project out! I wouldn't have gotten so much done that day without her! Thanks, buddy!!!  I probably won't get help next time after posting this pic! :-P Home Depot Shopping List   Black & Decker Hand Sander 80 grit and 220 grit sandpaper Water Based Matte  Lacquer Rustoleum Flat Black Paint Liquid Sandpaper Foam Paint Brushes Tack Cloth Primer ...
It's been so long since my first post. Boo! Our computer's hard drive crashed, and it was out of commission for awhile. We are up and running now though! Last week we had our first real snow of this winter, and I kind of loved how it looked outside. Going out in it... not so much. We all stayed in during those first two days of snow covered everything. Thankfully, my hubby could work from home, and I made a loaf of country bread to go with some tomato soup for lunch that day. I think I found this easy recipe on awhile back. Nothing better than some warm soup on a cold cold day, and this dense country bread is so easily customized!  Mix:  3 Cups Flour 2 Teaspoons Baking Powder 1 Teaspoon Salt Then Add Liquid and Fat of some kind: 1  1/2 Cups Water 1/4 Cup Oil Bake at 400 degrees for 40 minutes. You can use any kind of flour on hand, and throw in some spices to change up the flavor of this bread. For a swee...

First Post! Woot-Woot!!!

I finally did it ! Epic day for me!! I signed up for a BLOG. I've read, searched and then read even more blogs... I've always wanted to be the one posting whatever awesomely cool thing I've created, baked, or even just attempted... So now what do I do? I guess I just have to get the first post out of the way, so that I can share something fun next time. Holy cow... this is kind of intimidating. I'm not a writer or a professional at anything I'm doing. If nothing comes of this, at least I will have some fun sharing our little family story, and maybe my attempts at a craft or two. I guess that was a disclaimer, and my way of saying hope I don't suck at this! Today I did a little rummaging at my Grandfather-in-law's house. He has recently moved and the kids are buying up stuff left and right to keep in the family. I was hoping to find some cheap cool vintage furniture to jazz up and make beautiful for our home. I found a little side table that is just b...