Gather Wreath

I love wreaths, but holy cow they are expensive.
This is an easy DIY wreath that cost me nothing to make (because I hoard craft materials,)
but you could buy all the materials for less than $10.

Scraps, scraps, scraps. I have a huge drawer full of scraps and leftover craft materials that I dig into constantly, and that's what I used to make my Gather Wreath. Lefterover sweater scraps from pillows I made, and a cheap chalkboard sign.

Time: 1 hour for wreath
           30 minutes for me to write the word gather on the chalkboard 😝

Twig Wreath
Leftover sweater scraps
chalkboard sign & chalk
plaid fabric scraps

hot glue

Plain twig branch

Write Gather (or whatever you want) on your chalkboard.
 (This took several tries and tweaks until I liked how it looked.)
 I always look through fonts on for inspiration because my handwriting is terrible.
They have fantastic fonts!

Sweater scraps, plaid flannel & twine

Make a bow out of the bottom hem of a sweater.

Add a second layer of bow on top of the first bow.

Add a thin piece of coordinating sweater material or ribbon around the middle of the bow to cover the twine.
Hot glue in place.
Hot glue bow to your wreath. This is cute, but I thought it needed more.

I decided to go for a layering look.

Hot glue fabric to the back and trim off excess.

I used a bit of selvedge from the plaid fabric to create a hanger.
I looped it around the wreath and the twine from the gather sign and tied it in the back.

Hang and enjoy!!!
 This would look so much better on a door that was painted black or red.


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