Gather Wreath
I love wreaths, but holy cow they are expensive. This is an easy DIY wreath that cost me nothing to make (because I hoard craft materials,) but you could buy all the materials for less than $10. Scraps, scraps, scraps. I have a huge drawer full of scraps and leftover craft materials that I dig into constantly, and that's what I used to make my Gather Wreath. Lefterover sweater scraps from pillows I made, and a cheap chalkboard sign. Time: 1 hour for wreath 30 minutes for me to write the word gather on the chalkboard 😝 Materials: Twig Wreath Leftover sweater scraps twine chalkboard sign & chalk plaid fabric scraps Tools: scissors hot glue Plain twig branch Write Gather (or whatever you want) on your chalkboard. (This took several tries and tweaks until I liked how it looked.) I always look through fonts on for inspiration because my handwriting is terrible. They have ...